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Community Recovery Meeting Minutes​

September 5th 2024

Future Thursday meetings, beginning Sept. 12, 6:45 pm, will be held in the big red barn at 644 Lakeview Dr. enter from the driveway side, up the spiral staircase – watch your head. Parking: Drive east past the barn – you’ll see a “Parking” sign – park in the field
with the other vehicles. Please don’t arrive before 6:30.

Thank you to the Medinas for hosting these meetings since we began.


Hoping to get improved maps of the damaged properties.

Domino’s Pizza donating pizza for the workday on Sept. 7 – they wanted to donate previously toward the fire recovery and were told it wasn’t needed, so now they are donating to our neighborhood work group.

Recap of the 9 News crew coming up this week and the report by Lauren Scafidi. She wants to regular reporting as the recovery proceeds.

Overcomers group met by Zoom Sunday night for the first time – small group this first time (also was Labor Day weekend). Meetings are recorded so those who aren’t able to attend can stay caught up.

Questions about how the fire started – but no real answers.

CBDR folks appreciate the desserts and meals being provided. They are usually responsible for their own meals. The main issue CBDR is facing is the requirement that dumpsters be no more than 1/3 full – has to do with perceived weight issues. Requires them to be hauled off and unloaded and then brought back. Causes delays in getting properties finished.

$8576 – current balance after donations, scrap metal payments and reimbursement of some expenses.

Planning to create content for a tab on the website to provide info for Overcomers working on rebuilding.

Kudos to Garrett and crew for the great work on Aug. 31.

Saturday work will be going to the back 40s as well as properties on Palisade, Bobcat. Still working on making contact with some owners. We need to ask residents who may have contact info from neighbors to help us reach people.

The current plan is for the “neighborhood” work crew to work Sept. 7 and Sept. 14 and those will likely be the last work days.




August 29th 2024

Go Fund Me has launched. Had some challenges getting established however it is up and running and is now added to the Donate page on Is intended to be used for recovery efforts for people with loss. Someone has a friend in business that wants to donate. Send these requests to the Go Fund Me page.


Checked to see if NoCo Funding could be the “channel” but they cannot give funds to individuals, only to businesses – so we needed our own Go Fund Me. Potentially anything left could be used for the reservoir fund. Recommending creating a group that would be responsible for making these decisions

Dave was able to get burn area maps of the properties on Storm, however they were not correct and were only 75% relevant to what is needed. Waiting for new maps from Larimer County and not sure when they will be provided.

Work continues on the mountain. Serve 6.8 is paying for the roll offs (dumpsters) and landfill costs. Could be as much as $20,000 in total.

Dinner Friday, Aug. 30 from River Forks for Colorado Baptist Disaster Relief was paid for by Estes Park Church of Christ. Dave brought 110 gallons of diesel up the mountain. $600

West Loveland Neighbors will publish a small article featuring the reservoir as an unsung hero in combating the fire.

For those that suffered losses there will be a meeting on Sunday night as they focus on rebuild. Zoom option will be provided for those interested. If you have questions, please send to Dave before Sunday night.

Treasurer Update:
Debit $7,740.20
Credit - $1,860.12
Alter Metal Recycling usually pays in cash and that would have been added to existing funds – but they paid in checks, so those will need to be cashed and then turned into Bridgette. 
Another benefit: CBDR, Dennis said taking metal for recycling rather than adding to the roll offs, reduces height and weight, so they cost less to dump.

Need to continue focus Facebook and website on Saturday clean up days and Donate page. Now is not the time to let our foot off the gas, it will be hard to get it started again.


If you are on Facebook you can create an event.

Letter for county for approval for access to clean up on your property. Conflict between the permissions requested on the form and the need to leave property untouched for the USDA program. Gail put Josh Roberts, Larimer County, in touch with Rosanna DeLutis, USDA, but have not heard back.

Garrett’s Update
Saturday, Aug. 31 – good crew of people. Channel 9 was going to come up-interviews were planned, but they cancelled 10:00 pm Friday night. Sandwiches from Daddy O’s were paid for by Serve 6.8.


Next clean up will be Saturday, Sept. 7, 8:00 am. Will provide pizza for lunch. Meet at 1124 Snowtop to check in. Work will stop around 3:00 pm. Don’t forget to sign in if helping.

Garrett needs a date to go to back 40’s so they can arrange to have the gate left open. Areas that still need work are on Bobcat, Palisade, Green Ridge and Spruce. Staying out of 280 Bobcat. Trying to get ahold of Tami at 250 Bobcat.

Do we need tarps for metal on 247 Greenridge? Brad is checking.

Next Community wide meeting – Thursday, Sept. 5, 6:45, 1295 Spruce Mountain



August 25th 2024​​

Based on the falling attendance, we don’t need to hold two meetings a week. Community wide meetings will now just be on Thursdays, at 1295 Spruce Mtn – 6:45.

There will begin to be meetings on Sundays, probably a combination of Zoom and in person, mainly for those who suffered losses – to act as a support group and people continue to work through the processes.

We’d like to gather pictures/videos from the fire. Please email with the following (sample) subject

Pics – 7-30 – 644 Lakeview Dr. (Pics – calendar month and day – and from what address) OR Vids – 7-30 – 644 Lakeview Dr.

We’ll also be looking to gather before and after pics from where losses happened from those owners who are willing. We’re looking into creating a GoFundMe specifically focused on continuing recovery efforts.


Details of the USDA Emergency Reforestation Program are contained in a summary on the Resources page of

Colorado Baptist Disaster Relief began property assessments Saturday. Heavy equipment coming up Tuesday.

Another workday is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 31. 8:00 am starting at 1124 Snow Top. A Facebook event has been created for RSVPs for planning purposes and because Serve 6.8 will be providing food. If you can’t respond to the Facebook event, please email PLEASE show up when you say you will. If you can’t be there at 8:00, please let Garrett know when you will arrive.



August 22 2024

Kudos to Will Davis, Big Thompson Watershed Coalition for all the connections he is helping put together as we continue to gather info on recovery efforts and support.

Thanks to Jen Lillie for bringing a pickup truck load of food from Serve 6.8 to help supply the Colorado Baptist Disaster Relief (CBDR) folks who will be working up here for approximately 3 weeks.

We want to express appreciation to the couple who donated $2500 to our community fund at our last meeting. And thank you to Bridgette Figgins who is acting as treasurer.

Very good news – the CBDR needed funding for the dumpsters they need to have up here (not at the bottom of the hill) as they work on each home – funding for that came in from Serve 6.8. CBDR will begin doing property assessments on Saturday, then work begins on Monday. They are based at 644 Lakeview Dr. We need help providing meals, and/or donations for groceries. Email

There will be a meeting of various agencies involved in Larimer County’s recovery planning on Friday at 2:00. Details will be provided after.

We’ve been told people with a “letter from the County” can dump a pickup load at the Landfill for $10. Larger loads charged $20/yd – less than the usual $36.

Aaron Titus from will be organizing long-term recovery meetings by Zoom. Will provide details on how to register for those when they begin. (This is a mental health focus as much as information about what to “do” as time goes by.) David Hoffman and Michael Knight were interviewed by the Arapahoe/Roosevelt Forest people about the fire and its impacts. Will post the link to that when it’s available.


Neighbors met on Tuesday, Aug. 20 to discuss long-term plans for the Reservoir. The focus is to determine what kind of organization can be formed where the entire community, not just the HOA, takes ownership of and responsibility for the Reservoir – and has the ability to raise money in ways an HOA can’t. Future meetings will be announced by the HOA board.


SWAG meeting was held Aug. 21. There is money available for slash chipping in September. Contact to learn more and get on the list.

Treasurer report (thank you Bridgette): Original donations have gone up to $3596, plus we received $537 from scrap metal recycling.

David will be working to map out the complete actual burn area. Also working on increasing media attention – Lauren Scafidi, Channel 9, will be coming up Wednesday



August 18th 2024​​​

Kudos and appreciation to the crew who worked on the clean-up project on Friday. Particularly to Garrett Hansen, Gerry Delp, Jesse Turner, Dave Legits and Clint Young for organizing, and/or bringing in their own equipment.


Arthur Trucking was able to take two loads to the dump and after the folks at the landfill understood where these loads were coming from, they charged him for less than what was on his truck each time.


Dennis Belz, Colorado Baptist Disaster Relief, spoke about their program. They have about 15 properties registered to be cleaned up (and be sifted for valuables). This is all done by volunteers and they are coordinating with Larimer County to get roll off dumpsters at the sites. They will begin “moving in” on Wednesday – coming in Campers and bringing their equipment. They will be parking/staying at 644 Lakeview Dr. while they work throughout the community. We will coordinate with CBDR to have the scrap metal from their cleanups set aside so we can pick that up and take it to the recycling center to add to our fundraising efforts.


Website notes. - Additions have been added to thank organizations who donate materials. Notify Matt or Vanessa (contact info on the site) any time additions should be made. Can also notify them of work projects/events and anytime you learn about resources available from any entity not already showing on the Resources page.


Financial Report: Our initial meeting donations came to $1096. We have paid out $400 for trucking fees. Scrap Metal brought in $179 – current balance $875.00


We did a Zoom regarding the USDA Emergency Forest Restoration Program – email for a link to the video.


The old firehouse will be open again this next Saturday from 9-12. They are not collecting any more donations. Anything still there will be donated elsewhere after Saturday. Suggestion made for an announcement to include a list of what is available – passed along to Kerri Abeyta.


Another workday is scheduled for Saturday – finishing up work on Possum Ct., as well as working on Snow Top, 1002 Spruce Mtn, 1570 Spruce Mtn. Food and beverages for lunch will be provided. Contact Garrett Hansen, – Additional trailers are needed for dump runs.


At the end of the meeting we received an email response from Chris Manley, Larimer County, that the dumpsters at Hwy 34 would be taken care of “ASAP.”


A reminder that Crossroads Ministries has gift cards and resources specifically available for Alexander Mountain Fire victims,


Also Serve 6.8 still has sandbags and air purifiers available. They also have gift cards.


Next community recovery meeting: Thursday, Aug. 22, 6:45, 1295 Spruce Mtn Dr.


Other meetings to note:


Regarding the Reservoir: Open to all Storm Mtn Residents: Tuesday, August 20, 6:00 pm, 141 Palisade Mountain Drive. Please CLOSE the green gate behind you as horses are roaming the property. When you arrive, stay RIGHT when the road splits and park on the OPPOSITE side of the house.


SWAG – Storm Wildfire Action Group: Open to all Storm Mtn Residents: Wednesday, August 21, 6:00 pm, Fire Station 9



August 15th 2024​​​

Going forward – announcements regarding this group will be mentioned briefly on Facebook but with direction to go to for full details.

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We are checking with Lori Hodges – Larimer County Emergency Management to get a date when the dumpsters at 43 and 34, which are only meant for food, will be switched out for dumpsters appropriate for appliances and other burn related debris.

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For anyone wanting to ask for donations from any company where the request needs to be on letterhead – we can provide that – and will include the name of the person making the request.

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We continue to research and learn more about the USDA Forest Recovery Program.  Brief summary:  First the disaster needs to be declared by the Federal Government – that will happen but it takes some time.  After that inspections of properties can begin – NO WORK to remove debris or take any other action on the affected property can happen before the USDA inspects the property.  Their rules include needing to be sure the process of debris removal does not do additional damage to the environment. 


Some people have learned their insurance company will cover both debris removal and new trees/bushes so they are moving forward without planning on this program.  For others – you CAN selectively clear debris from your property with the understanding the cleared area would possibly be excluded from the USDA program – but this does allow for debris clean up in an area immediately surrounding a home.  Then the remaining land can be left untouched until it is inspected.  The huge advantage being 75% coverage of the cost of work to both remove debris, and plantings to speed up regeneration.  Also, a regeneration plan provided by the USDA.


There is a question outstanding about the removal of trees which are damaged to the point they could fall and land on existing structures.  We’re pursuing an answer to that situation.

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A variety of housing options are being gathered by Amy Stoddard,  Discussion including yurts, campers, and more permanent housing options in Estes Park.  Residents in need of accommodation should reach out to Amy.

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The labor crew begins work on the first homes ready to be cleared on Friday, Aug. 16.  They’re meeting at 8:00 am on Possum Ct.  Garrett Hansen is heading things up.  Anyone who would like to have work done, and, if necessary, has already received clearance from their insurance company, should contact Garrett,


A significant discussion took place regarding the initial charges for this work – from gas/diesel to dump fees.  A variety of possibilities were discussed.  Crossroads Ministries has funds which can only be used for needs caused by this fire.  Amy Stoddard is checking back to determine how much and in what form (cash, gift cards?) the funds can be made available.  However, before the end of the evening, people in attendance had donated $996 out of pocket to be sure the expenses of the work being done on Friday were covered.


Plans to contact Schraders and other gas companies for fuel donations (considering how we are all their customers) are in place.

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Insurance company has stated slurry damaged items will need to be replaced.  Also that smoke damage does not have established standards so it may be an issue for some.

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Efforts to get grocery discounts from the major stores has gone no where – but thanks to Marc Sagrillo for trying.  At this point we’re no longer looking for food donations – but if someone is in need, please reach out.  Food which has been donated, along with clothing, will be available at the Old Firehouse, Saturday, Aug. 17, from 9:00 – 4:00.


Serve 6.8 can provide sandbags – you have to contact them to let them know how may you need.  They also have air purifiers by request.  970-449-5401  Details about what they have available and when/where to go:


Next Meeting: Sunday, Aug. 18, 6:45, 1295 Spruce Mountain Dr.

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Other items:  

Storm Wildfire Action Group (SWAG) Meeting Wednesday, Aug. 21, 6:00 pm, Station 9.  Discussion will include the free chipping program planned for September, and LFRA Personnel will be available to discuss their current mitigation efforts and plans for the use of the air curtain burner.


If you would like to be part of an email prayer chain for our neighborhood and folks affected, please email Gail at



August 11th 2024​​

​Flood Insurance: Can be applicable to homes at the base of mountains where fire creates the risk of debris in the event of heavy rain.

Homeowners have 60 days after containment of the fire is declared to apply for insurance (containment not declared as of 8/9/2024) – will take effect after a 24 hour waiting period. Flood insurance providers at:


Lori Hodges, Director of Emergency Management, Larimer County – contact person for info regarding NGOs available for flood prevention projects on private land. 970-619-4900,


USDA Disaster Assistance – Emergency Forest Restoration Program



This program requires them to evaluate your property and to ensure even debris removal does not do further damage.  This can mean a longer wait - but the trade off is 75% coverage of the restoration process and the knowledge it is being guided by professionals in forest restoration.

(updated 8-15-24)

Provides payments to eligible landowners of nonindustrial private forest land in order to carry out emergency measures to restore land damage.

Land eligibility determined by on-site inspections to assess type and extent of damage.

To be eligible, the land must:

  • Have existing tree cover (or had tree cover immediately before the disaster occurred and is suitable for growing trees;

  • Be owned by an nonindustrial private individual, group, association, corporation or other private legal entity.

Cost-Share Payments: Up to 75% of the cost to implement improved restoration practices, and limited to $500,000 per person or legal entity.

Example restoration practices include:

  • Debris removal, such as down or damaged trees, to establish a new stand or provide for natural regeneration

  • Site preparation, planting materials and labor

  • Restoration of roads, fire lanes, fuel breaks or erosion control structures

  • Fencing, tree shelters, and tree tubes to protect tress from wildlife damage

  • Wildlife enhancement to provide openings and wildlife habitat



August 8th 2024

Meeting minutes from the Cedar Park Wildfire Action Committee


We hope to address the community's immediate and long-term needs, especially those who have lost their homes or structures during the Alexander Mountain Fire. We are not trying to reinvent the wheel; we seek only to be a local source of help to our neighbors impacted by this newest natural disaster. We recognize that those impacted may not know what they need right now, but we will be here to help in any way we can for as long as necessary. Your involvement is crucial, and we encourage you to join us in this collective effort.


The Alexander Mountain Fire Disaster Assistance Center, an event this weekend, is designed to greatly assist our community. It will provide guidance on insurance questions, property cleanup, food waste, flood insurance, permitting, rebuilding, and individual needs. The event will be held at The Ranch Event Complex, 5280 Arena Circle, South Hall Loveland, CO 80538, Friday, August 9th, 9 am-7 pm, Saturday, August 10th, 9 am-7 pm, and Sunday, August 11th, 9 am- 7 pm. For more information, visit under Alexander Mountain Fire Recovery.


We ask that everyone who has not lost a house or structure take inventory of what items they have available for donation: wood, fencing, T-posts, animal care supplies, water tanks, clothing, etc. Your contributions, no matter how small, can make a significant difference and are greatly appreciated. Then, you can contact one of the subcommittees below to donate items, supplies, resources, or your time.


Subcommittees, led by individuals in our community, play a crucial role in addressing specific needs. If you have relevant information or resources that can be utilized or would like to join one of the following committees, please get in touch with them directly. If you have lost your home or need immediate assistance, these subcommittees are here to help.


Chairperson- Dave Hoffman or 970-212-6999 644 Lakeview.


Website and Stickers- Matt Charboneau 970-481-4151 Vanessa Maier  Matt, Vanessa, and Dawna White have created a one-stop website for all the following information, ( If you have a GoFundMe fundraiser or information about upcoming events, please get in touch with Vanessa so that we can disseminate that information to the community and surrounding areas. This subcomittee will be looking into creating QR codes that can be placed at places of business so that donations can be made directly. We are not willing to handle funds; we only distribute your fundraisers so that people may donate to you directly.


Housing: Amy Stoddard,, 303-261-2744. Amy will coordinate with entities offering short-term rentals, apartments, houses, condos, or rooms from Estes Park to Loveland. If you have or know of a home, apartment, etc., for rent in the area, please get in touch with Amy so that you can be added to our database. Please include pricing and pet policy in your listing.


Donations: Dina Pfenning 303-246-3127. Dina will coordinate with others in the community who have resources for food banks, clothing, toiletries, and other daily living items. If you know of any resources that can help those in need, please contact Dina. If you have items to donate or need donations, please let her know what you need, such as clothing sizes, kitchen utensils, etc., and she will search out your needs within the community.


Labor: Garrett Hansen 970-294-1262. Garrett will coordinate the machinery and debris removal available on the mountain. If you would like to donate your time or machinery or know of resources to help with mitigation, tree trimming, etc., please contact Garrett so he may add you to the list. Alpine Tree Trimming is a critical resource for cutting down burned or damaged trees so they do not become a hazard to your home during future windstorms. Contact Quinn Williams at 603-831-1439.


Lake: Jessica O'Bryan 949-246-2030. Jessica will contact and research various government agencies ( Polis, Neguese, etc.) to find funding or resources to fix and maintain our lake, research various options, and call organizations. This is in alignment with HOA efforts. See the Storm Mountain email with the subject "If not now, when?" to see the latest on what people are doing to help and how you can get involved.


Research on Homes Lost: Dave Legits Micaiah White Danessa Weiss 715-279-1900. If you have lost your home or structures, don't hesitate to contact one of the members so we may know where to focus our efforts to help you best.


Insurance Resources: Moose Whitmoyer 610-334-0111. Moose will help you navigate insurance coding and issues. If you have information that would help Moose better serve the community or are interested in helping him with his research, please get in touch with him directly.


Food Assistance: Marc Sagrillo 303-570-4012. Marc will contact significant distributors and wholesalers, such as Sam's Club, Costco, etc., to inquire about discounts, donations, etc., for those who have lost their food storage in freezers. If you can help Marc contact distributors or have contacts within those business areas, please contact him directly.


Short-term Critical Needs: Jason and Robin Medina 970-646-5979. Mark and Robin will help you address any immediate needs, such as cleaning out your freezers and refrigerators, with the help of Bob and Rhonda-contact information is TBD. Jason and Robin will also hold future meetings in their garage, potentially on Sunday, Wednesday, or Thursday, time TBD.


We ask that this information be pinned to any social media pages, websites, or community pages that are local to our area such as The Public Improvement Distict website, email group and Storm Mountain Facebook page.

If you have any input, we would greatly appreciate your assistance. We are nothing without our community to hold each other up when times are hard.

If you have any additions, edits, etc., I have made this a Google doc that can be edited and shared as you see fit to eliminate any back-and-forth.




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